Moyen Poodles are a medium size Poodle, maturing to a weight of about 20-30 pounds on average.  This size is attained by pairing a Miniature and Standard Poodle.
They have a very pleasant temperament that is highly intelligent and trainable.

Moyen Poodles make a great family dog. Including families with children. They are playful, energetic, and eager to please. As well as alert, focussed and very loyal to their owners.

Moyen Poodles are amazing candidates for service dog work for people that do not require assistance from a larger breed dog. This is why we feature our Moyens in our non-profit charity "Pawz That Heal", which donates puppies to nominated families in need.

Poodles have soft dense hair and it becomes more curly upon maturity. Especially after the 1st and 2nd shave down. Daily maintenance will keep your poodle well-groomed and mat-free. 
Daily brushing is a requirement and you really should not go anymore than 2-3 days without a quick brush down. Sporting the shorter styles will most definitely be easier to maintain. 
Definitely research groomers in your area and discuss what works best for you and your poodle realistically. 
For our product recommendations that we have personally use and love, click here.